Sunday, September 7, 2008

Few and Far Between

Little One finally calmed down and the visit turned around and went great. Sooooooo thankful for "days off" are very few and far between

Big One was pouting because tomorrow is Monday and that means back to school. Honestly, how bad can it be in First grade?????? Suck.It.Up mommy says

Grandma brought them back a little earlier than I had planned which means my game was interrupted 450 thousand times at least.....thank God for Tivo. And speaking of games........GO PANTHERS!!! What an exciting exciting awesome ending to that game....but damnitalltohell the f'n Falcons won....fuckers.....

We had fun playing with the neighbors last night and I stayed up too late and drank too much and hated life this morning.....until I realized I was in MY bed and I was completely ALONE in my house..........que the angelic WAS heaven......until the phone rang and snapped me back to reality and mommyhood...

I only had to say Because I Said So 3 times today. This must be a record of some sort, I'm sure of it.......but how damn cute are they.........seriously........couldn't you eat them!!!
Me thinks me needs to go to bed now........after all tomorrow IS Monday.....dammit


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