Hello readers reader! Have you missed me? I've been gone for what seems like forever! It has literally taken me this long to recover from the stomach virus from hell and the sewer pipe surgery and the holiday and the subsequent disinfecting and complete wash down of my house.
I hope you all had a very wonderful and fulfilling Thanksgiving indeed.....I had an interesting one for sure. We all got together at my Aunt's house for a Thanksgiving filled with family bickering, HAM....yes HAM....don't get me started, screaming minis, rain, sleet, shoes in ponds, lost car keys, stolen wallets and we topped it off with a dollop of MRSA. Fun times, fun times....
veering as far away from the "Thanksgiving" topic as possible, I got a new phone today and so far I love it. It's not and iPhone or a 3G or whatever...definitely not a Crackberry but I like it so much. It's a LG Lotus. Very cool phone. I am officially finished with Christmas photos and am getting my card orders in place and I'm getting ready to start my Christmas shopping, something I usually have finished already.....I'm a little nervous frankly, I don't usually wait this long.
Big One is getting a four wheeler and the Husband wants a Wii. I'm getting a kitten. A Ragdoll. I've always wanted one and since my 13 year old kitty passed away just after Little One was born in March (he couldn't take the stress either I guess).....I'm ready and since I've always wanted one I'm going to get one. I've always "rescued" in the past so I don't feel bad about it. She is a Blue Mitted Ragdoll and she will come home at 10 weeks old on December 23rd, just in time for Christmas. We are accepting name suggestions if anyone wants to throw any out there....
This is what she will look like.....this is not her....I'll try to get one of her to put up from the girl I'm getting her from but this is exactly what she will look like as a kitten:
and this is what she will resemble as an adult:
So get out your thinking caps and give me some good name suggestions....there may be a prize involved if I pick your name......just sayin......prizes are fun.....
she will be sooo cute- I'm alergic, but they are cute! I had one as a kid, but also woke up with puffy eyes every morning he was in the house! Glad you're back
Oh my word... what a pretty cat you will have. I dont have a suggestions yet, but I will think!
Azul, mean blue in Spanish. She will have gorgeous blue eyes!
Ann-Ragdoll made me think of Raggedy Ann
Thant's all I could think of right now :)
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