I'll do the stupid list......stop emailing me!! and since Tena did it and she hasn't lost all her readers yet...I figure what they hay....I know some readers hate these goober lists
**edited to add pictures of the Charlie's Angels Hideaway House......Hasbro 1978....aging myself. I was 6
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
I am very extremely picky about wrapping paper....this year it's lime green and red....bags, bows, paper......doesn't matter as long as it all matches
2. Real tree or Artificial?
Artificial - in three easily assembled steps. Love it.
3. When do you put up the tree? take the tree down?
I put it up the day AFTER Thanksgiving.....one holiday at a time people.......and take it down PRONTO the day after Christmas
4. Do you like eggnog?
5. Favorite gift received as a child?
I was always a Barbie girl ......a Barbie JUNKIE if you will....and the year I got my Charlie's Angels Hideout Barbie Treehouse thing I just KNEW Santa was real

6. Hardest person to buy for?
My Dad....he has money (that he doesn't share...) and so if he wants something he just goes and gets it. But every years since Big One was born I have made Calendars for all of the Grandparents (3 sets), some aunts, some cousins, etc...about 12 in all. I go to Snapfish or Kodak and make them. It's a HUGE competition with my family now to see who ends up in the calendar. I'd show you my calendar but it has our 'real' names on it.......and I'm so weird about that. Anyway, the calendars are the thing everyone really looks forward to. They love love love them every year.
7. Do you have a nativity scene?
No, but I'm not opposed......wait, Yes!! I do have a nativity scene.....this one from Fisher Price....forgot about that one

Mail...always have and always will. Emailing Christmas Cards is TACKY! with a capital T!!!!

9. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?
The parents (stepmother) of an ex boyfriend when I was 19 gave me two THONGS. A yellow one and a lavender one...both lacy and frilly, which I opened in front of his entire extended family (about 35 people that I didn't know really from Adam). Super fun. Bitch.
10. Favorite Christmas Movie?
hmmmm, the Grinch. The REAL Grinch, not the Jim Carrey Grinch. I also like Elf, but I'm sick of it this year because Big One is obsessed. She's also obsessed with Home Alone....the first one. It was cute and funny but after 15 times notsomuch.
11. When do you start shopping for Christmas?
Usually I'm done by now, but this year has presented many challenges and I'm lucky I have the tree up. Little One just started crawling this weekend and I swear she is on fire now. She is 100 miles an hour everywhere and into everything. I cannot get ANYTHING done. And with the entire fandamily being sick all the time it's a wonder they haven't qaurdened off our house and put us all in solitary.....12. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?
Yes, yes I have. Lots of times. I am a re gifting expert. I only re gift things that obviously weren't purchased with me in mind. Thoughtless gifts that anyone who knows me knows I would never like. Say for instance a set of bath salts and bubbles.....I don't even have a bathtub in my bathroom...BY DESIGN.....I HATE baths, but if you knew me at all, you would know that. I think they are dirty...I'm weird I know, don't get me started. That's just an example though.
13. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
Spinach Dip, Sausage Dip, Cheese Braid
14. Lights on the tree?
Pre-lit and white
15. Favorite Christmas song?
I like several but I also hate several. I just don't know, I'll have to get back on that one (hold your breath)
16. Travel at Christmas or stay home?
We usually go to My Mother in Law's Christmas Eve and My Aunt's Christmas Eve and then Christmas Day to my Mom's, my Father-in Law's and my other Mother in-law's (don't ask). But this year we have put a stop to the madness and dragging the minis away from OUR house on Christmas Day. Anyone that wants to see us or the minis has to come to our house where I will have an all day buffet of food and stuff on the island in the kitchen. A 'drop in' if you will.....
17. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's?
Yes I can, do I need to prove it?
18. Angel on the tree top or a star?
Neither. Lime Green, Red and silver bow with streamers
19. Open the presents Christmas eve or Christmas day?
Christmas Day.......all the way. No exceptions unless I won't see you Christmas Day.
20. Most annoying thing about this time of the year?
Shopping in stores. I try to do all mine online.
21. Favorite ornament theme or color?
I love all the ornaments that Big One has made, Little One is still too little for that. I love my Grandmother's crocheted ornaments that are absolutely gorgeous. I love photo ornaments and lots of stuff. I'll have to take a photo of the tree cause it sounds horribly tacky the way I've described it and tacky I am not.
22. Favorite for Christmas dinner?
We have Turkey, Ham (yuck), Mashed potatoes, broccoli casserole, stuffing, corn casserole, etc etc etc
23. What do you want for Christmas this year?
To keep my job and peace of mind and for my Dad to be okay. But gift wise really, I'm getting what I wanted, my new NAMELESS kitten. December 23rd we pick her up......so get cracking on those names dammit. Don't forget the PRIZE!!
we have a lot of Christmas stuff in common, too! What a swanky Barbie house- I would have been so jealous of you!
hey, i gave you a lot of names! PICK ONE OF MINE!
Have you said if it was a boy kitten or girl kitten?? I like Sam for either:)
i've gotten this one a few times too... i forgot about my playmobile nativity set until i saw this picture... thanks for reminding me so i can bring jesus in to the house...
OMG I would've died if some BF's stepmom gave me THONGS lol. Your Charlie's Angels hideout reminded me of the Barbie Dream House I got when I was like four. I loved that thing. (In fact, I still have it all boxed up in my basement lol!!)
That kitten...you know I got a cat a couple years ago for my bday who is an orange tabby. She's truly the coolest cat I ever met (picked her myself lol.) I named her Luna. It's a good name. Hehe.
Ok, I'll stop taking up your comment space now. Have a fabulous day!!
ok, I have a name for you...Crash.
Different but cute!
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