Monday, April 6, 2009

As If.....

I have a guy friend that is kind of more like a brother and we'll call him So-and-So.

So I get an email this morning that goes something like this "So-and-So added you as a friend on Plaxo".

and in my head I'm all "hmmm.....WTF is Plaxo?"

(me) "So-and-So.....WTF is Plaxo dude?"

(him) "it's this website you join and get to talk to all your friends and family and stuff and set up a profile and's cool, not like that MySpace shit for teenagers"

(me) "So it's Facebook"

(him) "Facebook?"

(me) "dude, seriously?"

(him) "Seriously"

(me) "whatever douchebag.....I'm not joining 'Plaxo'....I'm already FaceCracking, Twittering and Blogging, which leaves little precious time for working and mothering so either join Facebook with the rest of the world or be on Plaxo ALONE.......Plaxo....really"

Are YOU on Plaxo? I mean, am I just behind the times now? Do I have to do Plaxo too? I'm just going to have to say no to another social outlet. I can barely keep up with the Joneses as it is....


The Mom Jen said...

Plaxo really?! If I ever clone and find some extra time, maybe.

kristi said...

what is that?? Heading straight to google this!

Jennifer said...

I'm clueless as well.

vanna said...

plaxo....sounds greek to me!!!lol

morewineplease said...

never ever heard of it...

very funny post~

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