Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Would You Rather Wednesday!

Is it Wednesday again already? Well personally I can't wait for this week to fly on by because not unlike Gretchen (RHOC), I plan to go on a trip to "get away" with my BFF this weekend while my Dad (not my fiance...really my Dad) is holed up in the hospital recovering from his latest cancer surgery.....cause I'm cold and despicable that way....
not really, he's fine and great and they 'got it all' (remains to be seen) but he'll be released Friday to go home.......but thinking of the situation it made me think of Gretchen, only with a Dad not a fiance and I don't look or act a thing like her, although I wish my life was as carefree and silly as hers seems to be.....and damn do I ever wish I had that body.....and this is going in the wrong direction......Zzzzzzzzzzz
So here goes.......
1. Would you rather have a lisp or a wandering eye?
2. Would you rather be on vacation with your parents and have your Mom insist upon wearing a THONG or your Dad a tiny euro-syle banana hammock?
3. On a first date, wear a T-shirt that says, "I'm With Stupid" -OR-a T-shirt that asks, "Who Cut the Cheese"?


BLC :o said...

Omg, that is too funny! Xoxo-BLC

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

1. Would you rather have a lisp or a wandering eye?
Rather have a LISP! People could not judge you until after they talked to you, with a wandering eye people would probably not even talk to you.

2. Would you rather be on vacation with your parents and have your Mom insist upon wearing a THONG or your Dad a tiny euro-syle banana hammock?

Dad in the banana hammock, it would make for some great pictures and a good blog

3. On a first date, wear a T-shirt that says, "I'm With Stupid" -OR-a T-shirt that asks, "Who Cut the Cheese"?

Who cut the cheese? Hopefully the guy would have a good sense of humor to!

kel said...

I play this game over on my blog too!

my answers:
lisp, banana hammock, cut the cheese

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